Festivals Tour

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Bhutan Festival: Journey Through Timeless Traditions, Spiritual ,Celebrations

The Bhutan festival tour offers a unique experience in the rich cultural heritage and all traditions of the Bhutan kingdom, also known as the “Last Shangri-La.”. All festival tours are centered around the country’s colorful or spiritual festivals, known as "Tsechus," held annually in different regions. It is celebrated on the tenth day of a lunar month in various temples and monasteries nationwide. The exact month of each Tshechu differs by location. During the festivals, all communities, families, and friends gather there to celebrate, receive blessings, and socialize. It is also believed that attending Tschechu and watching the mask dances brings blessings and also helps cleanse one’s sins. People dress in colorful costumes and bring packed lunches to enjoy the festival. You will also get a luxury visit with us with Bhutan Luxury Tour Packages, where you will experience different places, providing you comfort and making you feel enthusiastic about adventuring to luxury resorts, hotels, and places and taking advantage of all the facilities for your tour. 

You will get all the list and details from the Bhutan Festival list provided by us, Popular festivals including the Paro Tsechu, Thimphu Tsechu, and Punakha Drubchen, each offering a distinct and unforgettable cultural experience and discovering the beautiful festivals of Bhutan, where our tours will coincide with their local celebrations, where you will get the chance to experience the vibrant traditions of Bhutan.

1.Black-Necked Crane Festival in Bhutan 

Bhutan festival tour provides you with the annual Black-necked Crane Festival, a one-day event that is celebrated at Gangtey Gonpa, Gangteng-Phobji Valley in Wangdue Phodrang District in Central Bhutan each year on the 11th of November. Gangteng-Phobji Valley is the largest winter habitat for black-necked cranes, with approximately 300 individuals each year. The Black-necked Crane Festival is organized by the Gangteng-Phobji Environment Management Committee (GPEMC), which is composed of several local stakeholders. 

During the winter season, the black-necked cranes become part of the local people’s daily lives. This festival is an occasion for the local community to rejoice and celebrate the arrival of black-becked cranes, respected as heavenly birds. The festival is organized to generate awareness, provide economic incentives for local communities, and form an avenue for the locals to renew their commitment to conserving the cranes. The highlight of this festival is usually the locally choreographed crane dance performed by schoolchildren. 

2.Dochula Druk Wangyel Festival 

Embrace the journey with the Bhutan Festival Tour, which provides you with the Dochula Druk Wangyel Festival, established in 2011 in commemoration of His Majesty, the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, and the Armed Forces, victory over Indian insurgent forces in southern Bhutan in 2003. This festival is held every year on December 13th at the Festival Ground near Druk Wangyal Lhakhang, which is located at Dochula Pass. Dochula Pass is one of the most beautiful passes in Bhutan, offering beautiful views of the Himalayan Mountains. 

The Druk Wangyal Lhakhang (temple) was built between 2004 and 2008 by Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, the Queen Mother of Bhutan, as a tribute to His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, and the armed forces after the successful operation against any Indian militants. The temple’s gallery features beautiful murals that can depict important events in the various regions of Bhutan’s king.

3.Jambay Lhakhang Drup Festival 

Jambay Lhakhang Drup, or Jambay Lhakhang Festival, included in the Bhutan Festival Tour, is an exciting festival celebrated in Bhutan. It takes place at Jambay Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in the country. There are two most mesmerizing events done there: the fire offering and the naked dance, both done at night on the full moon day and the locals believe in walking through the arch of the fire and burns, offering away all the obstacles. 

The naked dance symbolizes deep wisdom and was started by Terton Dorji Lingpa. Simply watching this dance is believed to help people overcome anxiety and fear. This festival also features other dance forms, such as the Dance of Four Groups of Garidas, known as stick dance, the drum dance of Dorji Lingpa, the Dance of the Lord of Death, the dance of Dramatize, and many other colorful and unique performances. 

4.Bhutan Paro Tshechu Festival Tour 

Including in Bhutan Festival Tour, a famous festival that is a blessing ceremony of the Dzong Paro Rinpung in the mid-17th century, is now held annually to honor the enlightened Guru Rinpoche, who is the “Lotus-Born Teacher” and established Buddhism in tantric form in the Himalayas regions in the 8th century. 

Through dance, folk songs, and music (cymbal, drum, flute, yak-horn) performed by both the laity and monks who sacred the activities of the Guru. This festival also provides an opportunity to reconnect with family, friends, and acquaintances, establish new ties, see one’s finest clothing and jewelry, and accumulate merits. Through festival attendance, anyone can create good karma and move forward for enlightenment, the ultimate goal of Buddhists. We also provide a Bhutan Cultural Tour with a proper itinerary for your better understanding. 

5.Punakha Tshechu Festival 

Bhutan Festival Tour offers The Punakha Festival, or Punakha Tshechu, is a revered festival that is held annually at Punakha Dzong in Bhutan and is celebrated in late February or early March. It honors Guru Rinpoche and features colorful masked dances and traditional music. Locals dress in elaborate

costumes and serve as a vibrant cultural and religious gathering that symbolizes Bhutanese heritage and spirituality, admiring the scenic riverside setting of Punakha Dzong. 

6.Royal Highlander Festival 

The Royal Highland Festival (RHF) is a special event that is held 4,000 meters above sea level in the village of Laya. Let's celebrate with the Bhutan Festival Tour the ancient culture and traditions of the highland communities that showcase the uniqueness of the beauty and wonders of Laya through their distinctive culture, language, and clothing. This festival brings together communities to dance, rejoice, and celebrate. It also offers visitors a chance to embark on an adventurous and exciting journey and experience the authentic and simple life of the highlanders. Tourists on the Bhutan Festival Tour can immerse themselves in timeless traditions, be surrounded by a sense of awe, and also wonder in the high-altitude landscape. 

7.Thimphu Festival Bhutan 

Bhutan Festival Tour is providing you, with the Thimphu Festival which is the National Festival of Bhutan. It is the biggest and most important festival in Bhutan, The Thimphu Tshechu is a grand celebration which is held in the capital city of Bhutan. This festival features a series of masked dances which are performed by monks and laymen. You will be provided all the details of Bhutan Festivals Tour Packages on our website. 


1.What is the Bhutan National Festival?

Thimphu Tshechu Festival is the National Festival of Bhutan. 

2.What is the festival of dance in Bhutan?

Punakha Tshechu is the Festival of dance in Bhutan.

3. What is the biggest holiday in Bhutan?

Thimphu Tsechu is the biggest holiday in Bhutan. 

4.What is the famous food in Bhutan? 

Ema Datshi is the most popular dish in Bhutan as well as being the national dish of the country. 

5.What is a Bhutanese dress called? 

Gho and Kira are the traditional dresses of the people of Bhutan.


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